BSC Smart Contract Developer
This will be a contract based job.
Minimum 3 years of experience in writing smart contracts
Past experience on smart contract development on Binance Smart Chain
Developed smart contracts that passed Security Audits, and currently live on Binance Smart Chain mainnet.
General info on the smart contracts needed:
Decentralized voting and DAO system
- to enable token holders to vote on projects and governance related proposalsThe proposal framework will need 80% yay threshold and 20% attendance quorum initially
There will be set scheduled times for start and end of the voting period
The funding pool that distributes funds to projects selected by community voting will be connected to a multisig wallet
The voting and DAO mechanism will be an on-chain solution
Staking mechanism
- to enable token holders to stake our token to earn tokens from other projects we fundedThe staking mechanism will run on a monthly epoch
Users will be able to stake and unstake anytime
The staking value will be according to: time in the epoch x tokens that are staked
At the end of each epoch, users will be distributed tokens from each project's tokens according to their staking values divided by to the total staking values
Automated splitter mechanism
- to distribute tokens we get from projects across 4 wallets. These distributions will have different parametersOne for staking (25%)
One for community rewards (15%)
One for funding pool (50)
One for operations (10%)
Automated reward distribution mechanism
- to enable automated distribution of token rewards for those who are stakingThere will be rewards from multiple projects' tokens
Rewards from each project will be distributed in batches, through a multisend rather than 1 by 1
Rewards will be distributed according to staking values defined in the staking mechanism
Rewards will be distributed at the end of each epoch
Additional info:
You can apply as a team, or as a single developer.
Part of the payments will be done at start, and the rest at the completion of each milestone.
The payments will be made in any cryptocurrency of your preference
There will be bonuses on our own token as well
We will do Security Audits by external companies, but we expect you to do the changes according to Security Audit results, until there are no risks with the smart contract
If you would like to apply only for one of these smart contracts, you can.
For applying:
Email us at info at with your github account, past experience and other info you would like to share. In the email caption please define it as: BSC Smart Contract Developer
Last updated
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